Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Comic Review: Amazing Spider-Man #11

Amazing Spider-Man #11:
Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Olivier Coipel
Inks by Grawbadger, Coipel, Livesay, Olazaba, Morales
Colors by Justin Ponsor
Letters by Eliopoulos with Lanham
Associate Editor Ellie Pyle
Editor: Nick Lowe
Editor in Chief: Axel Alonso
Chief Creative Officer: Joe Quesada
Publisher: Dan Buckley
Executive Producer: Alan Fine
-Welcome to part 3 of Spider-Verse!! The Inheritors are loose and making their way across the Multiverse eating up Spider-Beings!!!!...No, I just can't bring myself to say/type "Totems". But, Spidey 616 is putting together a plan to get everyone to safety, all the while trying to avoid The Superior Spider-Man from taking control of the group and heading everyone into what is sure to be a disaster!
The Good: What's better than 1 Spider-Man? How about like 30!!! OK, so they're not all MEN, but you get the gist. I gotta tell you, I'm REALLY loving this crossover. It's one of the few Marvel crossovers in recent history that actually works AND is entertaining! You've got all the different Spider-People all working together towards their very survival! Plus, we get some great focus on some of the less spotlighted characters this issue(and even more if you read the spin-offs, but we'll review them later), and some foward movement in the main plot of the story. Coipels art is, as per usual, fantastic!! The book looks great and each Spider-Person/Creature looks uniquely different, all the while maintaining a solid look that makes them easily coexist in the "same" universe. But, the best part? We get to visit THE most AWESOME Spider-Man universe in the HISTORY of the character!! I truly NEVER thought that I'd see this in comic book form in my lifetime!!
The Bad: Hmmmmm. I'm a little torn on this one. But, gun to my head, I'd have to say I'm a little tired of the mystery of The Inheritors. I'm assuming there's some big reveal coming that tells their origin (but, maybe not), but just REVEAL IT ALL READY!!!! It's almost oft-putting that we have pretty much no clue as to the motivation of these characters beyond the fact that they like to hunt things with Spider-Powers and that they need to eat them. Again, I'm guessing a big reveal about them is coming, but a little more info on these big baddies would be nice.
What you should do: BUY IT!!! Yes, it's part 3 of a mega-crossover and you probably want to get the whole thing. BUT, left to it's own design, is it worth the $4? The answer is a great big YES!!!!! You'll definitely get your money's worth out of this issue!!

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